IMPORTANT: Assignment Deadline

IMPORTANT: Assignment Deadline

The deadline to submit all assignments is
Thursday June 14th at 5pm. Assignments received after 5:01 will be marked as

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's My Grade? Microsoft Excel Assignment

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool.  Like many powerful tools, it is also sometimes complicated.  While this is an individual assignment, you may need to work with your neighbors if you get stuck.  Asking a question in Google and using the Help menu are good, too!

-Open Microsoft Excel, and save your file using the class saving guidelines.

-As your header, add a title (What's My Grade?), name, and class.

-Across your first row, create some column headings: Assignment, Earned, Possible, Percentage

-Format your first row in Bold.

-Log in to EdLine, and record your assignment names in your first column under Assignment

-Enter in your earned credit for each assignment in the Earned column.

-Enter in the total possible points in the Possible column.

-Now format your Percentage column.
  1. Right click on the letter above the column to highlight the entire column.
  2. Select "Format"
  3. Under the "Number" section, select "Percentage"
  4. Click OK
-Now find the percentage earned for each assignment.
  1. Select the top most cell in the percentage column that is in the same row as your top assignment.
  2. Click the sum key.  The sum key is represented by the greek letter Sigma: 
  3. Note that the automatic function of the sum key is to sum or add a string of numbers together.  It probably looks something like this: =SUM(B2:C2). Excel guesses which numbers you want to add and highlights those cells.  In this case Excel has probably chosen both the Earned and Possible points to add together.  Unfortunately adding the two numbers together will not give us meaningful information so we need to...
  4. Edit the function.  We find the percentage of a number by dividing.  So you convert this sentence: "I earned 6 out of 10 points for First Assignment" to a function like so: 6/10.
  5. But what if we resubmit the assignment for more credit?  We want to be able to enter in the new number in the correct box and have the percentage represent the new number.  So change the function in your selected box to =SUM(B2/C2), then press enter.
  6. You should now see the percentage in the box you edited!
  7. Okay, how about the other assignments percentages?  Do I have to redo the same process for every assignment? No, you don't!
  8. Hover your mouse cursor over the lower right corner of the cell you just added the function to.
  9. Your cursor should turn to a solid black cross.
  10. If you drag the cross down and release, it will copy the function to every cell you highlight.
-Okay time for your totals.  Use the Sum function to total up your Earned, Possible, and Percentages columns with separate totals.

-Download my template to see what your file should look like.

-If your document looks like mine (including functions!),  you may save, then attach to a professional email to No earlier than the last 10 minutes of class!.  If you finish the minimum requirements before the last ten minutes, add a sheet to your document and repeat the process for all of your classes.

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